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The Idea Challenge Logo | Ti-Alliance
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That’s the concept behind The Idea Challenge – to make it easier to share your ideas. Effectively, it's a virtual suggestion box. Our community is full of amazing people with great ideas. We have lifelong residents who know the area and everyone in town; we have retired professionals with storied careers and expertise in various industries; we have creative young people who offer new and exciting approaches to old problems. If we're all thinking about how to make life better in the Ticonderoga Area... shouldn't we be collaborating? When we all share our ideas, it drives creative solutions.


We challenge you to share your vision for a revitalized Ticonderoga by taking on The Idea Challenge!

Sharing ideas drives creative solutions.

How does The Idea Challenge work?

We’ll announce a theme for The Idea Challenge. Everyone is welcome to submit their idea(s) inspired by the theme on this webpage. Just fill out and submit the form below to share your idea – it’s super simple! At the end of each challenge, we’ll post a blog discussing all the great ideas for our community and feature a winner. The submissions will influence local projects, so it’s a great way to make your voice heard!

The Idea Challenge Guidelines:

  • Be creative. Nothing is too out there. Sometimes the best actionable ideas come out of the ridiculous and the impossible.

  • Ideas can be suggestions on how to improve something that already exists or on creating something completely new.

  • Fully describe your idea so we can really understand what you are suggesting.

Light and Shadow

Theme: "The Best Downtown Ever"

Share your idea for a project in downtown Ticonderoga. Imagine that it's five years from now. What would you like to see? Is it a new business? Is it a new piece of art or landscaping? Or is it something else? Explain what would make downtown Ticonderoga the best downtown ever and how your project would contribute to that.

Our long-term vision:

Ti-Alliance envisions the Ticonderoga Area as a regional business and cultural hub that provides its residents and the region with gainful employment and a high standard of living, abundant year-round work, recreational and entertainment opportunities, and a sense of place.

How can we get there?

By sharing ideas! Take on The Idea Challenge by submitting your idea for the theme below:

Thanks for taking on The Idea Challenge!

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